High-salinity soil and wind can give grass severe saltburn. You might be familiar with that problem if you live in Portsea, Point Cook, Brighton — really in any of Melbourne’s coastal suburbs. Or just have a saltwater pool by your lawn. Fortunately, we’ve got a highly salt-tolerant turf worth considering.
First, let’s discuss what we mean by ‘salt tolerant’ in more concrete terms. Sir Walter can thrive in soil with salt levels as high as 8,000 ppm (parts per million) or 12.5 dS/m (decisiemens per metre). It can survive double that level of exposure, but not without severe damage.
Salt affects grasses exactly as you’d expect it to — dehydration. Victoria’s coastal flora have evolved to survive sea spray, but beach grasses trade their appearance and texture for hardiness. Our Buffalo doesn’t.
We refine, grow and harvest our Buffalo grass ourselves in a sand-based medium on our Victorian farms to improve its drought tolerance. The result is Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo grass that’s absolutely perfect for coastal properties, roadside lawns and climes with icy winters.
Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo is the most salt-tolerant lawn, but our TifTuf Bermuda comes a close second.
If your lawn grass is exposed to salty winds, water and soil, you’ll start seeing a lot of die-off. Installing salt-tolerant grass like Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo is going to go a long way to preserving your lawn, but it’ll still need some attention to keep it in top condition.
The three things you can do to protect your grass in a high-salt environment are:
For more advice, please feel free to send us a message or give us a call.