Backyards, public parks and playgrounds are made for sprinting feet, pounding paws, slicing bike tyres and the chaos of weekend sports. How do you find a turf grass that can keep up with all of that? Well, we’ve got two highly wear-tolerant grasses that you ought to know about:
Our Bermuda and Kikuyu turfs have been cultivated to stress several qualities, but their wear resistance comes down to two: a dense growth pattern and a deep root system.
The thickness of the turf mat gives it the strength needed to withstand heavy foot traffic and rough play; it takes a lot for these turfs to show damage. But if they do get ripped up, their dense growth pattern will stitch itself up in no time.
We cultivate our turfs on four self-run Victorian estates, giving them time to develop their strength. Once they’re ready, we harvest them in thick slabs using our unique QWELTS technique to keep their healthy roots intact.
Oh, and before we forget — the turfs we’ve recommended here aren’t just hard-wearing; they’re soft as clouds and perfect for laying back in for a bit of reading or cloud-watching.
TifTuf Bermuda and Eureka Premium VG Kikuyu are both tough as heck and equally well-suited for active-family backyards, commercial sports fields and public parks.
Tough as our grasses are, they need a little tender loving care to ensure they reach their full potential. Here are a few key care instructions you need to know to make your new turf as wear-tolerant as possible.
Check out our lawn advice blog for tips on reducing regrowth recovery time and reducing your ongoing maintenance costs. Of course, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you prefer speaking to a real person.