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summer lawn care blog

By Lilydale Instant Lawn

November 30 2022

4 Minute(s) read


Summer is the height of the growing season for our Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo, TifTuf, Sir Grange, and Eureka Premium VG lawn varieties. It can, however, also be a very stressful time for your lawn if there are periods of extreme summer heat.

Doing the right things and caring for your lawn in summer can make a big difference in how your lawn fares through the warmer season and into autumn and winter.


Watering your lawn in summer

For established lawns, watering less frequently with deeper soakings will train the root system to become more drought-tolerant. During dry conditions and hot weather in Melbourne, we recommend weekly or fortnightly soakings. This includes early morning deep watering, and even night watering if temperatures get too high. It is important, however, to keep an eye on rainfall. Summer storms in Victoria can deliver heavy rainfall, so watering may not be necessary at these times.

How long should I water my lawn in summer?

The duration of watering your lawn in the summer can vary depending on factors such as the type of grass, soil conditions, climate, and local water restrictions. However, a general guideline for watering lawns in the summer is to provide about 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water per week, including rainfall. This amount is typically enough to keep the grass healthy and promote growth in the lawn’s root system.

To make the most of your watering, we also recommend adding wetting agents to your lawn. Wetting agents not only help your lawn retain the water it receives but also prevent the soil from becoming hydrophobic. We recommend the Lawn Solutions Rescue wetting agent. 


Fertilising your lawn in summer

It is important to supply your lawn with nutrients to support growth and maintain health during summer. Usually, this means applying a slow-release lawn fertiliser to the grassroots about every 10 weeks. We recommend Lawn Solutions Fertiliser, which involves a deeper root system and is perfect for warm-season grasses. 

Can I top-dress my lawn in summer? 

Top-dressing your lawn in the summer is generally not considered ideal due to the high temperatures and potential stress on the grass. Summer is a time when the grass is actively growing and often requires more maintenance to keep it healthy. While top-dressing can benefit the lawn and keep your grass green, it is typically recommended to perform this task during cooler periods, such as early spring or early autumn.


Mowing tips for summer

Hopefully, you got your mower maintenance taken care of in spring. But if you didn’t, now is the time! As you head into summer it’s more important than ever to have a reliable mower, as you’ll use it more regularly than in autumn or winter.

Maintenance generally involves getting those mower blades nice and sharp and changing the oil. If you’re not sure how to maintain your mower, have a chat with your local mower store.

Sharp mower blades give a better look after mowing and are better for creating a healthier lawn. As with any blade, the sharper the edge, the cleaner the cut, and clean cutting reduce the chance of disease and browning.

We also recommend mowing on a higher setting during the hottest months of the year, because it helps your lawn cope better with dryness and stress – and saves on water.


Summer lawn weeding

Keep an eye out for weeds during summer, just as you should have done during spring. Most cooler-climate weeds won’t rear their ugly heads right now, but summer weeds such as broadleaf can still be very active. Hand weeding is often the easiest solution, but if you have stubborn weeds and want to apply a selective herbicide, ensure you check the label.


Plant growth regulators 

Using plant growth regulators (PGRs) in the summer can be highly beneficial for maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn. These chemical compounds help regulate the growth and development of plants, including grasses, offering several advantages during the summer months. PGRs can slow down the growth rate of grass, resulting in reduced mowing frequency and fewer clippings. This time-saving benefit allows homeowners to spend less effort on lawn maintenance. 

Additionally, PGRs enhance the drought tolerance of grass, enabling it to withstand limited water availability and conserve water resources. Moreover, PGRs improve overall stress resistance, making the grass more resilient to heat, disease, and heavy foot traffic.


For more information about summer lawn care or seasonal maintenance, contact our team at Lilydale Instant Lawn today.