Public gardens, playgrounds, and backyards for kids and pets need grass that can withstand high-traffic wear and tear. We’ve cultivated three dense grass turfs that can rapidly self-repair after getting ripped, dug up and ran on.
If self-repairing is an important turf quality to you, we can assume you’re expecting heavy traffic on your lawns. That won’t be a problem for our turf.
We harvest and deliver our turf in thick-cut slabs and rolls to maintain their established, enmeshed roots. These dense roots grow quickly and spread laterally, which is how they’re able to self-repair so efficiently. But their strength isn’t their only, well, strength.
Our high-density slabs and rolls are much more resilient to weed infestation since their roots can stifle and choke burgeoning weeds. The density also creates a luscious and even carpet of grass that looks spectacularly inviting.
TifTuf Bermuda is without a doubt our toughest grass, followed closely by Eureka Premium VG Kikuya and Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo.