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Measure Your Lawn

Measure for your lawn

Before using our turf calculator to add the square metres of turf you need, make sure you have your measurements ready for your lawn area. 

Measure Your Lawn

Choose your first shape to start calculating


Calculation summary

Area total

Select a turf type

Not sure which turf is right?

Turf cost

Based on your calculated area and selected turf. Delivery is calculated at checkout.

How to measure

use tape measure


Use a tape measure

To get an accurate measurement, it’s important to use a tape measure rather than stepping out or estimating the distance. Measure along the outside edges of your lawn area and write down each measurement.



Use simple shapes

If your lawn is a complex shape, you may need to break the area into simple shapes. You can then calculate the area of each shape and add them up for the total area.



Calculate the area

For squares and rectangles, multiply the length by the width to get the square metres. For triangles, multiply the height by the base and then divide by 2. You can also use the calculator above to make this easier. 

add 5 for wastage


Add 5% for wastage

We recommend adding 5% to your total to allow for off cuts and wastage to make sure you don’t run short on the day. 

How to measure your lawn Video

When using our turf calculator to add the square metres of turf you need, make sure you have your measurements ready for your lawn area. Follow our video instructions to see how to measure easily and accurately.