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Mow Heights v2

By Candice Fisher

June 19 2024

2 Minute(s) read

Essential Guidelines for Timing Your First Mowing Session on New Grass


Knowing when to cut new grass is crucial for promoting healthy growth and establishing a lush, vibrant lawn. Learn the optimal timing and techniques for mowing newly planted grass to ensure its long-term success. For more tips on proper lawn maintenance, visit Lilydale Instant Lawn’s Mowing Guide.


When to Cut New Grass

Timing your first mowing session on new grass is essential for encouraging strong root development and preventing stress. Follow these guidelines for determining the ideal timing:

  • Tiftuf Bermuda: After 3-5 days of planting, Tiftuf Bermuda grass is typically ready for its first mowing session. Monitor the grass closely, and once it reaches a height of around 3-4cm, it's time to mow.
  • Eureka Premium Kikuyu: Allow Eureka Premium Kikuyu grass to establish for approximately 7 days before mowing. Once the grass blades reach a height of 5-7cm, you can proceed with the first mowing.
  • Sir Walter Buffalo: Sir Walter Buffalo grass typically requires a longer establishment period. Wait 7-14 days after planting before mowing. Once the grass reaches a height of 6-8cm, it's ready for its first trim.


Does Cutting New Grass Help It Grow?

While cutting new grass may seem counterintuitive, it's actually beneficial for promoting healthy growth and density. When you mow newly planted grass, it encourages lateral growth and helps the grass develop a stronger root system.


How Long Before Cutting New Grass?

The timing for cutting new grass varies depending on the grass type and growth rate. In general, aim to mow new grass once it reaches approximately one-third higher than the desired mowing height. This ensures that you're not removing too much of the grass blade at once, which can stress the grass and inhibit growth.


Never Remove More Than One-Third of the Leaf

When mowing new grass, remember the golden rule: never remove more than one-third of the leaf blade in a single mowing session. Cutting more than one-third can shock the grass and weaken its ability to recover, leading to stress and potential damage.


How Long Should I Wait Before Cutting New Grass?

To determine the ideal timing for mowing new grass, monitor its growth closely and wait until it reaches the recommended height for your specific grass type. Following the guidelines provided for each grass variety ensures optimal establishment and long-term health.

For more tips on proper lawn maintenance, visit Lilydale Instant Lawn’s Mowing Guide.

Timing your first mowing session on new grass is crucial for setting the stage for a healthy, thriving lawn. Follow these guidelines to ensure successful establishment and long-term beauty!